
domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2019

✮✮ Benefits of becoming vice president ... Why not do most of your hard work? ✮✮

Hello from the empower platform!

Only a few days are left until the upcoming changes on January 4, 2020. Do you remember to make the most of your position to become vice president of empowr cities in your area?

This position is available to YOU, one of the citizens of the alpha phase, and is available until January 4, 2020. I really don't want you to miss out on the choice you deserve as an alpha phase citizen. Because vice presidents will generate% of all income that their students and sellers receive in the future.

The empowr alpha site will be closed on January 5, 2020 and will be replaced by a beta version. When the beta site is launched, everyone will have to start with a new new account. Your coin balance will be migrated to the new beta platform.

For more information, please read the latest Community Announcements:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/112zwVpimi-59hnaLQt1HVwAACBQXaJtFmjEKOpb3GwE/edit#heading=h.6tnkzem5hca9, as well as https://docs.google.com/document/d/10J0PmRH1R5HRR1H5RH1R5H5RH1R5HRR1H5RH1R5HR1H5RH1R5H5RH1R5H5RH1R5HH1R5HH1R5HH1R5H5RH1R5HH1R5H5RH1R5H5H1H5R1H5R1H5H1R1H5R1H5H1R51H5R1H5R1 and 051R1H5RH1R5H1R5H5R51H5R5H5R5 and55RH1R5H5R5 and5 and5 and

I attach part of the position of vice-president of the city in this screenshot. https://prnt.sc/qc8daj

Please act today and send a statement from the vice president of the city https://forms.gle/wi33EozZsN2sqBYQ7

Once you submit this, you will receive more information about this post in the next few days.

Please contact me if you have any questions?

Sincerely, Elena.
Empowr Guide

PS. From January 4, 2020, you can contact me at this email address: tasssinger@mail.ru

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